Fresh Batch Of 3111 Pilgrims Depart From Jammu For The Amarnath Yatra

Fresh Batch Of 3111 Pilgrims Depart From Jammu For The Amarnath Yatra

Jammu, July 27: On Thursday, a Fresh group of 3111 pilgrims headed for the Shri Amarnath Cave Shrine in the South Kashmir Himalayas departed the Bhagwati Nagar Base Camp amid the shouts of “Bam Bam Bhole.”An official said that a convoy of 124 trucks carrying 3111 pilgrims departed from the base camp.
A caravan of 83 cars carrying 2154 pilgrims (1686 men, 424 women, 6 children, and 47 sadhus) departed for Pahalgam.
907 pilgrims, including 616 men, 336 women, and 5 children, left for Baltal in a convoy of 41 vehicles under strict security measures.
The yatra started on July 1 and will finish on August 31.

Fresh Batch Of 3111 Pilgrims Depart From Jammu For The Amarnath Yatra
Fresh Batch Of 3111 Pilgrims Depart From Jammu For The Amarnath Yatra


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