SHIMLA: Himachal Pradesh's tourist industry experienced losses of nearly Rs 2,000 crore in July and August as a result of which the state's hoteliers have started promoting alluring deals to get back on track. The monsoon created havoc and caused poor tourist footfall, dealing another blow to the hill state's tourism economy, which was trying to recover from Covid-19. As heavy rains harmed road infrastructure, the hill state's lifeline, and also cast a shadow on the already constrained air and rail connectivity, the tourism sector, which contributes more than Rs 14,000 crore annually to Himachal Pradesh's GDP, lost about Rs 2,000 crore in July and August, according to officials of the tourism department.According to Amit Kashyap, managing director of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC), "the tourism industry has suffered heavy losses and the only silver lining was an influx of devotees in six…