In J&K, the Army Command Hospital performs the first corneal transplant surgery

In J&K, the Army Command Hospital performs the first corneal transplant surgery

Jammu, Jul 25: A defence spokesperson said on Tuesday Setting a new milestone by opening eye-bank facilities and a corneal transplant centre, the Command Hospital of the Army has helped two elderly persons to regain vision in Udhampur district.In order to restore vision to two blind people, he said that the eyes donated by a deceased person in Katra were collected by the Eye Bank of the Command Hospital (Northern Command).
The spokesperson stated that a 64-year-old man who had lost vision in both of his eyes 20 years prior was one of the transplant recipients. Within a few days of the procedure, he was able to move around easily.
According to him, the recipient of another transplant procedure performed on a 67-year-old woman who had corneal opacity in the right eye for five years has reaped significant benefits.According to the spokesperson, there were no corneal transplant facilities in the Udhampur area before this year. She added that the hospital, which is run by Major General Avinash Das, took the initiative to open the service.
According to him, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issued a certificate of registration for eye banking and a facility for corneal transplantation under the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues (THOTA) Act in May.In Udhampur, a team under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Priya Taank, a corneal transplant surgeon trained, is encouraging eye donation and the transplantation of cornea in cases of corneal blindness.
The representative claimed that a handful of patients had signed up for corneal transplants at the facility.


In J&K, the Army Command Hospital performs the first corneal transplant surgery
In J&K, the Army Command Hospital performs the first corneal transplant surgery




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