Shah Faesal : A lot has changed in J&K

Shah Faesal : A lot has changed in J&K

JAMMU: IAS officer of erstwhile J&K cadre, Shah Faesal, presently posted on deputation with the Govt of India, has said that a lot has changed in the Valley following abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution of India four years back.When I was stationed in Kashmir in 2013, I frequently saw kids throwing stones. ATMs not functioning. Kashmiri youth has been unruly for an entire generation.There were fatalities. But things are different now,” Faesal said in an interview. He claimed to have once seen two men inspecting an old man’s identification card and questioning him about his whereabouts during the curfew they had put in place. The situation was as it was. Society has been shattered by stone-throwing. However, there is no longer any stone peling, according to Faesal, who won the 2009 Civil Services competition. According to the IAS official, the elimination of very widespread participation in militants’ burials was another significant development. Faesal left his position to start a political party.

Shah Faesal : A lot has changed in J&K
Shah Faesal : A lot has changed in J&K



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