31-oct : Samvedna Society Chairman Keshav Chopra Organised 77th Free Eye Screening/Check Up camp for the Devotees, Pujaris and Sewadars of Maa Bawe Wali Temple Bahu Fort, The Camp was Organised in collaboration with Sood Eye Centre ( A unit of Agarwal Hospitals) and was inaugurated by Sub Divisional Police Officer East Parupkar Singh (JKPS) accompanying Incharge Police Post Bahu Fort Mandir S.I Lekh Raj and others. A Total of 112 Patients were provided free of Cost Treatment including Refraction, NCT, AR Check Up, Vision Check Up by a team headed by Dr Rohan Sood M.S Eye Surgeon and Dr Amit Singh M.S Eye Surgeon, Free Medicines were also given to the patients.
Speaking on the Occasion SDPO Parupkar Singh mentioned the importance of regular check-up camps and said how this noble initiative is contributing to the betterment of mankind. He also Lauded the efforts of the Samvedna team and assured full support and cooperation to the Society.
Keshav Chopra intends to organize more such camps in the future thereby keeping up with its commitment to provide best treatment to the common man at their doorstep. “Those who can’t afford the treatment we will provide them Free of Cost” Keshav further added.
Rohit Gupta, Vikas Kumar, Manoj Tandon, Sushil Gupta, Samiha Khajuria,Pratham Puri, Riya Rakesh and others were also present.