Samvedna Society Chairman Keshav Chopra Organizes 93rd Free Eye Screening/Check Up camp at the office of the Director Horticulture Planning & Marketing Narwal Jammu. The Camp was Organised in collaboration with Sood Eye Centre ( A unit of Agarwal Hospitals) and was inaugurated by Deputy Director Horticulture Planning & Marketing Ayaz Ahmed Natnoo, The camp saw great attendance; a total of 103 People were provided free of Cost Treatment including Refraction, NCT, AR Check Up, Vision Check Up by a team of experts and Free Medicines were also given to the Patients, The camp not only provided free eye check-ups but also raised awareness about the significance of regular eye examinations, the importance of early detection of eye-related issues and the role of nutrition in eye health.
Speaking during the Camp Deputy Director Ayaz Ahmed Natnoo praised the Samvedna society’s initiative to provide voluntary services to the people by organizing regular Health Check Up Camps at different locations so that anyone can take benefit of it. He also commenced the dedication of Keshav Chopra and his team towards service of Humanity.
Speaking during the Camp Keshav Chopra said that the mission of the Samvedna Society is to work for all the sections by providing best healthcare facilities to the people at their doorstep. This camp was planned exclusively to benefit the staff and Locals of the area. Cataract removal surgeries will also be done free of cost on Ayushman Bharat Golden Card keshav added.
Ashwani Kumar Assistant Director, Dr Punkaj Gupta Auditor, Sunil Singh Assistant Director Planning, Ashok Kumar, Rakesh Bali, Sourav Sangral AMO, Ashish Sharma, Anees, Anju Chopra, Hiteshwar,Vikas Kumar, Manoj tandon, Sourav Gupta and others were also present.