JAMMU: The Jammu Power Distribution Corporation Limited’s (JPDCL) Techno Economic Committee (TEC) on Tuesday cleared and subsequently approved several power supply schemes for Jammu division.
As per the official communiqué, the TEC which met here under the chairmanship of Managing Director, JPDCL, Vikas Kundal discussed, deliberated and accorded Techno Economic Clearance to the various schemes.
The meeting was also attended by top officials of JPDCL.
The committee approved schemes to be undertaken in UT CAPEX Budget including outsourcing of manpower for various 33/11KV Receiving Stations and 33KV lines amounting to Rs. 200.22 lakh, which will meet shortage of staff required for operation of existing and new Receiving Stations and 33KV lines to ensure reliable power to consumers of Jammu District.
Creation of New 3.15MVA, 33/11KV Receiving Station at Malwana Gundna, Doda and Creation of New 6.3MVA, 33/11KV Receiving Station at Chilli, Pingal (Bhalessa) District Doda amounting to Rs 450.76 and Rs 554.07 lakh respectively which will provide quality power to Malwana Gundna and Chilli Pingal areas of District Doda, as the inhabitants were facing low voltage problem, said an official communiqué.