Jammu DDC reviews progress under Capex Budget 2023-24

Jammu DDC reviews progress under Capex Budget 2023-24

JAMMU: review meeting was held in the district office by the district development commissioner, Sachin Kumar Vaishya, to evaluate the status of the projects funded under the district’s Capex budget for 2023–2024. The DDC looked into the progress of technical sanctions, administrative agreements, budgetary allocations for active projects, and tender status. He assigned officers project-specific deadlines and underlined the significance of following them in order to complete projects on time. Performance of various departments, including Public Works, Elementary and Secondary Education, Youth Services Sports, Urban Development, and Jal Shakti, was included in the study.Departmental heads and representatives were instructed by the DDC to proactively identify and address any obstacles to project progress. He emphasised the importance of asking the appropriate organisations for help when needed. Lawlessness, ineptitude, or corruption will not be accepted at any step of the development process, Sachin Kumar stressed the significance of honesty and integrity inside government offices. In order to successfully execute government services and ensure the successful completion of development projects, he urged officers to take the initiative and promote strong departmental coordination. In order to examine the situation on the ground and uphold high standards of quality in developmental works, he also urged officials to conduct routine field trips.

Jammu DDC reviews progress under Capex Budget 2023-24
Jammu DDC reviews progress under Capex Budget 2023-24



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