Era of ‘corruption and scams’ before 2014, but now every penny reaching into accounts of poor people: PM Modi

Era of ‘corruption and scams’ before 2014, but now every penny reaching into accounts of poor people: PM Modi

BHOPAL : Prior to 2014, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, there was an age of “corruption and scams,” in which the poor’s rights and money were violated, but today every dollar goes directly into their accounts.

According to the data, more individuals are paying taxes, which demonstrates their confidence in the government‘s ability to use their money wisely, according to Modi.

In the capital of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal, he was virtually addressing the training and orientation session for newly hired teachers at the CM Rise Government Mahatma Gandhi Higher Secondary School.

According to the PM, encouraging news has begun to emerge already in the first year of “Amrit Kaal,” demonstrating rising prosperity and declining poverty.13.50 crore Indians, according to the NITI Aayog study, have left the BPL (below poverty line) category in the past five years.

According to the number of income tax forms, Indians’ average annual income has surged over the previous nine years from Rs 4 lakh in 2014 to Rs 13 lakh, he added.

He said that people are moving from lower to higher income levels. According to data, all sectors are growing and creating jobs, according to Modi. “Citizens have been expressing more faith.

They are coming up to deposit their taxes in the knowledge that every penny would go towards the advancement of the nation, he remarked.

According to him, the nation’s economy has risen to the fifth position in the globe from the tenth rank in 2014. Before 2014, during the period of corruption and fraud, the rights of the poor and their money were being stolen even before they reached their bank accounts. Now, every dollar goes right into their accounts,” the PM stated. According to him, more money would be spent on the welfare of the poor if “leakage in the system” is stopped.

 Era of 'corruption and scams' before 2014, but now every penny reaching into accounts of poor people: PM Modi
Era of ‘corruption and scams’ before 2014, but now every penny reaching into accounts of poor people: PM Modi




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