Div Com examines the preparations for the air show at Jammu Air Force Station

Div Com examines the preparations for the air show at Jammu Air Force Station

JAMMU: Ramesh Kumar, the Divisional Commissioner for Jammu, presided over meeting of key officers to discuss the preparations being made to ensure the success of the Air Show. On September 22, 2023, from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM, Air Force Station Jammu and the Government of Jammu and Kashmir will collaborate to offer breathtaking air show. The Div Com went over every arrangement, including security, parking options, seating options, invitations, sanitization, water power arrangements, etc. in great detail.The Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) was given responsibility for sanitation and waste removal in the area of the Air Force Station in order to preserve cleanliness. The CEO Cantonment Board was given the mandate to supervise bush cutting and cleaning within his purview. SSP Traffic was given instructions to create a thorough traffic management plan and choose appropriate parking areas in order to ensure seamless traffic flow around the site. To prevent bothering commuters, the Traffic Department will also issue a traffic advisory. The Tourist Department was tasked with doing significant advertisement, producing invitation cards, and setting up seating in order to draw in a large audience. The installation of Public Address Systems (PAS) and control of media coverage of the event were tasks given to the Information Department. Additionally, LED panels with live video for the audience would be added. It was made clear that only invited guests with passes will be permitted entry to the building, while audience members and members of the general public may see the Air Show from designated viewing areas. Along with SSP Traffic, Director Health, Joint Director Information, Atul Gupta, Deputy Director Planning, Munish Dutta, Joint Directors of Tourism, Hospitality and Protocol, School Education, Fire services, Chief Engineer JPDCL, SE PWD, and other concerned parties, the meeting was also attended by Commissioner JMC Rahul Yadav, Deputy Commissioner Jammu Sachin Kumar Vaishya, Director of Tourism Vivekanand Rai, COO Air Force Station Jammu

 Div Com examines the preparations for the air show at Jammu Air Force Station
Div Com examines the preparations for the air show at Jammu Air Force Station



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