DC Kishtwar dispatches Essential Medicines & Heating Appliances for Marwah & Warwan Zone ahead of Winters

DC Kishtwar dispatches Essential Medicines & Heating Appliances for Marwah & Warwan Zone ahead of Winters

KISHTWAR: In an admirable and proactive move, Chief Medical Officer Dr. M.Y Mir and Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr. Devansh Yadav of Kishtwar today sent necessary medical supplies and heating equipment to Marwah and Warwan Zone in anticipation of the approaching winter. Together with the committed employees of the CMO Office Kishtwarthe ceremony was attended by Dr Sajjad, the District Immunisation Officer of Kishtwar, BMO Dachhan Krishan Singh Katoch, and Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Balbir Kumar. The Jammu Kashmir Medical Supplies Corporation (JKMSCL) was thanked by Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar for supplying the necessary medications.It is anticipated that some 26,000 people living in the Marwah and Warwan areas will benefit from this supply. In addition, heating appliances have been sent to NTPHC Inshan, PHC Afti, and CHC Marwah to make sure that medical facilities are prepared for the hard winter. He went on. He went on to say that this programme shows how dedicated the Warwan and Marwah local government is to protecting the health and welfare of their citizens, especially during the harsh winter months.

DC Kishtwar dispatches Essential Medicines and Heating Appliances for Marwah & Warwan Zone ahead of Winters
DC Kishtwar dispatches Essential Medicines and Heating Appliances for Marwah & Warwan Zone ahead of Winters


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