DC Jammu reviews arrangements for JJM Fortnight

DC Jammu reviews arrangements for JJM Fortnight

JAMMU: DC Jammu Avny Lavasa today chaired a meeting of officers to review the arrangements for JJM fortnight which is scheduled to be held from August 01 to August 14, 2023.Plans for holding special Gramme Sabhas to discuss JJM, installing signage on all water supply schemes, installing banners and hoardings, staging rallies, and holding a debate competition were examined during the meeting. The Deputy Commissioner emphasised that the goal of this campaign is to raise public awareness of JJM’s work. She stated that representatives from the district government would go to the gramme panchayats to assess the JJM projects and speak with the locals to raise awareness and obtain feedback on how the JJM programmes were being implemented.The concerned parties were also asked by the Deputy Commissioner to guarantee the availability of FTKs in every village and to report villages with 100% FHTC as HGJ villages. It was revealed that during these days, discussions, art contests, marches, and street plays will be held with subjects like water conservation, climate change, etc. The concerned officers were given the go-ahead by the Deputy Commissioner to make the necessary preparations for the JJM Fortnight celebrations. The meeting was attended by CPO Yoginder Katoch, ACD, Preeti Sharma, and other officers from the relevant departments.


 DC Jammu reviews arrangements for JJM Fortnight
DC Jammu reviews arrangements for JJM Fortnight


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