JAMMU: Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta, the chief secretary, reviewed the projects under the Jammu Smart City Limited (JSCL) that are planned to be finished at this time of the year today. Along with other relevant officers, the meeting was attended by the Principal Secretary, H&UDD, the Commissioner Secretary, IT, the Commissioner JMC, and the CEO, JSCL. The Chief Secretary urged the officers to act forcefully and take all required steps to improve Jammu's general atmosphere. He emphasised that the city's ongoing beautifying initiatives should be finished right away to increase its visual attractiveness.Dr Mehta remembered that in order to significantly improve the outlook of this capital city, measures like providing Vikram Chowk a facelift, installing view cutters before SRTC Yard, upgrading Bahu Fort Road, Satwari Chowk and Airport Road should also be carried out. In light of the officers' commitment to provide all services online in the UT, he also urged them to deliver all IT-based smart solutions to city people. He implied that city dwellers deserved not only top-notch infrastructure but also all services that could be accessed by simply pressing a button. The Chief Secretary gave the order to dedicate the already received ones to the public as soon as possible while taking note of the new 100 e-buses that JSCL plans to put into service. He requested that the department either hire those with the necessary skill sets or deputise the necessary staff from the sizable employment base of the UT. He urged them to finish the procedures as soon as possible so that the people could use the bus service without further delay. On this occasion, the Chief Secretary officially launched a number of new and reorganised IT-based services on the "MyJammu" webpage. He urged the administration to inform municipal residents of the uses and advantages of these programmes. He requested that service delivery for the general population be made both efficient and affordable by using their comments to continuously improve the quality. The Chief Secretary was informed that several of these services would guarantee that the residents' quality of life would be improved. It was stated that these include litigation and document management systems in addition to general information services, tourism information services, GIS services, smart addressing system, grievance portal, and G2C services. Such IT-based solutions allow citizens to reserve services like renting machines, cleaning septic tanks, water tankers, community halls, and hoarding space.Additionally, it would inform app users of the precise locations of public infrastructure such as hospitals, fire stations, blood banks, government buildings, schools, libraries, parking lots, bike stations, bus stops, train stations, and airports, in addition to senior citizen and women utility infrastructure in the city. You can use the portal to upload photos to the service for submitting GPS-based complaints about sanitation. The municipal body would then visit the area, dispatch a sanitation team to check the area's cleanliness, and provide an immediate response to the resident who had complained. The firm received praise from the country's chief secretary for making decisions equal to those observed in the nation's large, cutting-edge cities. [caption id="attachment_4074" align="alignnone" width="300"] CS Dr. Mehta reviews completion of JSCL projects[/caption]