SRINAGAR: Terrorists shot and killed an Uttar Pradesh worker in Pulwama district on Monday, one day after they targeted a police officer, according to officials. In a post on X, a police spokesman stated, "Terrorists fired upon one labourer identified as Mukesh of UP in Tumchi Nowpora area of Pulwama, who later succumbed to injuries."According to him, the location has been sealed off, and the terrorists responsible for the laborer's death are being sought out. Terrorists shot and seriously injured police inspector Masroor Ahmad Wani at the Eidgah ground in the city when he was playing cricket with neighbourhood boys. This was the second terror strike in the Kashmir Valley in less than 24 hours. In the wake of the two terror incidents, security has been stepped up throughout the Kashmir Valley, particularly in Srinagar and south Kashmir areas, according to the officials. Following the attack on Inspector Wani, the security forces have increased their scrutiny of cars and pedestrians in various areas of Srinagar and other towns, particularly in the Pulwama district in south Kashmir, according to the officials.They stated that there are now mobile car checks at all of Srinagar's main junctions and the city's exits. A number of political figures have denounced the assault on the labourer and the police officer in the meantime. Ghulam Nabi Azad, the head of the Democratic Progressive Azad Party and a former chief minister of Jammu & Kashmir, has vehemently denounced the deliberate killing of an outside labourer in Pulwama. Leader of the People's Conference Sajad Lone warned that violence had returned even though he condemned the attacks. The curse of violence has returned. The killing of a worker in Pulwama today and the senseless cruel attack on a police officer yesterday show how desperate these vicious thugs are," Lone wrote on X.The leader of the Apni Party, Altaf Bukahri, expressed his deep resentment at the killing of an innocent non-local in Pulwama district in a post on X. The killing is completely pointless and will benefit no one. I hope the police find the offenders quickly so they can be held accountable for their actions. "A man was killed, and it doesn't really matter if the victim lived nearby or somewhere else in the nation. On the fringes of a Jammu party celebration, Bukhari declared, "We condemn the loss of an innocent life." According to him, there is no excuse for the brutality. The former minister declared, "The Apni Party will continue to highlight the public issues for peace and development in J&K. The Centre is the source of problem solutions." In addition, Bukhari voiced worry about the recent ceasefire breaches in the Jammu area of Arnia along the International Border, claiming they are an attempt to disturb the tranquil environment. "We will keep fighting to keep this place peaceful because the people of J&K want peace," he declared. In order for the civilian population to use the community bunkers during the cross-border shelling, he also requested that the government build more of them and ensure that they are adequately maintained. [caption id="attachment_4711" align="alignnone" width="300"] UP Man Shot Dead By Terrorists In Pulwama[/caption]