JammuMendhar : In a hamlet close to the Line of Control in the Poonch district, the Jammu and Kashmir Police's Special Investigation Agency (SIA) raided the home of a major accused in a case involving narco-terror modules on Friday, according to officials. Along with it, a SIA team had brought accused Mohmmad Iqbal, who was detained in the Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh in October, to Karmara, they claimed. According to the officials, the case concerns the cross-border smuggling of weapons, explosives, and drugs into Poonch. On the intervening night of May 30 and 31, three of Iqbal's associates were apprehended in Poonch's Karmara district near the border fence with an enormous cache of weapons, explosives, and drugs, according to reports. Iqbal remained at large ever since. The officials stated that after he had left the region, they discovered, via the use of technical surveillance and intelligence inputs, that he was hiding in the Mandi district and that the SIA had apprehended him in October.SIA captured Mohmmad Javed, the module handler, on August 19 during an operation in Delhi. Javed was also running away. They added that this ultimately resulted in the arrest of Liyaqat, another accused person, on August 25 from Poonch. According to the officials, the narco-terror module's operations revealed the involvement of foreign nationals during the investigation. Six people have been taken into custody in The officials stated that additional SIA research is being conducted into several facets of the module's cross-border drug, bomb, and weapon smuggling operations.Following their arrest in May, an AK assault weapon, two handguns, six grenades, a 10-kg IED, and twenty packets of suspected heroin that the three men were attempting to smuggle into the nation were found. Soldiers and terrorists were injured in a gunfight that broke out between the accused and army officers after they were apprehended.In addition, the SIA carried out three days of raids in various locations in Poonch from July 26 to 28, after drug smuggler Rafiq Lala's home in the Danna Doyiyan area of Sathra on March 3 yielded seven kg of heroin, over Rs 2 crore in cash, a pistol, and some ammunition. The officials stated that additional SIA research is being conducted into several facets of the module's cross-border drug, bomb, and weapon smuggling operations.Following their arrest in May, an AK assault weapon, two handguns, six grenades, a 10-kg IED, and twenty packets of suspected heroin that the three men were attempting to smuggle into the nation were found. Soldiers and terrorists were injured in a gunfight that broke out between the accused and army officers after they were apprehended.In addition, the SIA carried out three days of raids in various locations in Poonch from July 26 to 28, after drug smuggler Rafiq Lala's home in the Danna Doyiyan area of Sathra on March 3 yielded seven kg of heroin, over Rs 2 crore in cash, a pistol, and some ammunition. [caption id="attachment_5367" align="alignnone" width="300"] Narco-terror module case : SIA searches house of key accused in Poonch[/caption]