POONCH:In the frontier Poonch district on Wednesday, Jammu and Kashmir Police apprehended a residential house and the vehicles of drug dealers. A spokesperson for the police said: "Police today attached one double -storied, residential house valuing in lakhs and motor vehicles jointly belonging to notorious drug peddlers." Section 68-F of the NDPS Act 1985 names them as Mehmood Hussain, Zaffer Iqbal, and Javid Iqbal, sons of Talib Hussain, who are currently residents of Deri Dabsi and Kotian Mendhar, according to the spokesperson. The Poonch Police investigation and inquiry revealed the residential house and cars to be unlawfully acquired property, the spokesperson continued."The property was prima facie accured from illicit trafficking in Narcotic drug and Psychotropic Substances by the owners," the spokesperson continued. Case FIR NOs-130/2016 U/S 8/21/22 NDPS Act PS Nowabad Jammu, 99/2017 U/S 8/22/29 NDPS Act PS Mendhar, 40/2021 U/S 8 (a)/21/22/27-A NDPS Act PS Gursai, and 98/2022 U/S 8(a)/21/22/29 NDPS Act PS Mendhar, according to the police, involve the drug dealers. According to a police statement, this operation confirms Mendhar Police's commitment to fighting the drug problem. He continued by saying that the people in the area applauded Poonch Police's initiative to attach real estate that had been raised or used in connection with the illegal drug trafficking by drug dealers in the District Poonch. [caption id="attachment_5618" align="alignnone" width="300"] Police attaches property, vehicles of drug peddlers in Poonch[/caption]