JAMMU: Authorities declared that they had captured a renowned thief and taken 40 tolas (404 grammes) of stolen gold and money out of his possession. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Jammu, Dr. Vinod Kumar, addressed the media at Police Station Janipur and stated that four distinct thefts had been reported in the areas that Police Stations Bakshi Nagar and Janipur oversee recently. Under the supervision of SP North, Kulbir Handa, a group of police officers led by SDPO West, Vikram Singh, and supported by SHO Janipur, Inspector Sikandar Singh, arrested a suspect, Shubham, of Gurah Qasim Nagar, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu, currently near the Kali Mata Temple, Shiv Nagar, Jammu, while investigating these cases, he said.The SSP Jammu stated that during interrogation, the suspect admitted to his role in the thefts. Upon his admission, the stolen gold, which weighed about 404 grammes (40 tolas) and included 296 grammes taken from areas under the jurisdiction of Bakshi Nagar and Janipur Police Stations, was found in his possession. According to him, the remaining gold was taken under Section 102 of the CrPC. The SSP Jammu went on to say that the accused, who committed multiple thefts in the areas under the control of Police Stations Janipur, Bakshi Nagar, and Domana, deliberately deposited the stolen gold in three separate financial institutions: the Janipur branch of Canara Bank; the Sarwal branch of Manappuram Finance Limited; and the Janipur branches of Muthoot Finance Limited.In response to a question concerning the steps taken against financial institutions that bought gold from dubious sources, the SSP Jammu said, "We're seeking legal opinion from experts on this subject to chargesheet such institutions." SSP Jammu described the accused's method of operation in detail, stating that they thoroughly surveyed every home, focusing on those that had been unattended for a predetermined amount of time. In contrast to rumours, the police officer stated that the accused did not belong to any gang and operated independently. SSP Jammu promised that the police are dedicated to completing the necessary legal procedures to return the remaining gold to its rightful owners as the investigation moves forward. [caption id="attachment_5746" align="alignnone" width="300"] Jammu Police nab notorious thief with 40 tolas of stolen gold, cash[/caption]