BENGALURU: General Anil Chauhan, the chief of the defence staff, has predicted that India will take over as the south's global leader, and the G20's smooth operation is a sign of that. In Bengaluru, the Air Force Association hosted the 14th Air Chief Marshall LM Katre Memorial Lecture. General Anil Chauhan was the speaker. "Adaptation and change are essential for survival. Because change is happening all around us, evolution and change are equally crucial for the armed forces as they are for any other species. I'm attempting to move these reforms along in a specific way at a given speed with the three service chiefs.A dramatic change will be necessary since we are approaching an unpredictable age. Armed forces are aware of the changes in their environment and they adjust and transform as a result. According to the Air Force, they have advanced to network-centric combat. General Anil Chauhan stated, "As far as the Navy is concerned, we have seen this mission-based deployment. He added that the opportunities themselves, which come as a surprise, are the fundamental issue we are currently dealing with. "Threats and challenges are pretty simple, but opportunities are the true issues since they arise unanticipatedly.Predicting possibilities is one of our biggest challenges at the moment. I think when things are out of the ordinary, possibilities arise. The success of the G20 is a sign that India will eventually become the global leader of the south. Who would have thought that the world would be dealing with the Israel-Hamas crisis in 8 days? That sort of ambiguity is what I was referring to, he continued. General Chauhan continued by stating that the globe is currently transitioning between two orders and that the geopolitical landscape is in flux. The global geopolitical situation is now unstable.The old system is eroding away, and the new world order's structure hasn't yet been stabilised, therefore the world is actually transitioning between two orders. Despite being a significant nuclear power, Russia's geopolitical significance will decline in the future. In terms of Russia's future, the Wagner insurrection "indicates the internal weakness and is indicative of what may lie in store," he warned. He also emphasised the current China scenario and predicted that in the future, China will become more forceful. "China currently holds a significant position in the geoeconomic international order.In the future, China will become more adamant. Of course, the interests of the Chinese, the Russians, and some other nations will then coincide. Iran and North Korea might jump on board, according to General Anil Chauhan. The Chief of Defence Staff added that the decisions we make now would determine India's status in the next 25 years, or "Amrit Kaal," the period into which we have entered. Due to the emergence of new technologies, warfare's characteristics are evolving. Most of the problems are technological in nature. We are battling new domains including the electromagnetic, cyber, cognitive, and space domains. We battle traditionally on land, sea, and the air, he continued. [caption id="attachment_3964" align="alignnone" width="300"] "Evolution important for…