AMRITSAR: On Tuesday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced the deployment of an anti-drone technology along the international border to increase security. Shah also urged the Northern Zonal Council's members, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Jammu Kashmir, Ladakh, and Chandigarh, to use mutual conversation and an open mind to settle their water-related disagreements. "The Modi administration is dedicated to enhancing the border security system. The boundaries of our nation would soon be protected by an anti-drone system, he promised. A significant issue facing the border guarding personnel is the smuggling of weapons, ammo, and drugs into Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir from across the international boundary. According to the home minister, the administration has been effective in combating terrorism and drug trafficking under the direction of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He claimed that during the past five years, under Prime Minister Modi's direction, the function of zonal councils has shifted from one of advising to one of action platform. With 21% of the nation's area and 13% of its population, the Northern Zonal Council, according to Shah, has a significant role to play in the growth and security of the nation. According to him, the Northern region produces more than 35% of the world's food grains.According to Shah, the Northern Zonal Council's states and Union Territories provide the majority of the soldiers and police officers who make up the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Army, which secure the nation's frontiers. He requested that all of the member states and UTs provide primary attention to issues that affect everyone as a whole, such as the country's cooperative movement, the school dropout rate, and starvation. No youngster in the nation should continue to be malnourished, according to the home ministry. He asserted that lowering the school dropout rate is everyone's responsibility and that encouraging the cooperative movement will help the nation's more than 60 crore citizens advance towards prosperity. In order to benefit the nation's farmers, he urged all member states and UTs to adopt natural and organic farming. He stated that the entire country is supporting the state at this time of need and pledged to provide all assistance from the Centre to the Himachal Pradesh administration in handling the situation brought on by the recent floods. The Northern Zonal Council responded positively to the home minister's request by applauding Chandrayaan-3's outstanding performance, the world's recognition of India's G20 leadership, and the passage of the women's reservation bill. Along with others, the meeting included participation from the chief ministers of Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh, the lieutenant governors of Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, and the administrator of Chandigarh. The Zonal Councils give members the chance to communicate personally at the highest level and act as a helpful venue for addressing difficult and complex issues in a friendly and cooperative environment. The Zonal Councils assist in creating a coordinated strategy among the states on crucial topics of socioeconomic development through discussion and the exchange of ideas. [caption id="attachment_3240" align="alignnone" width="300"] Anti-drone system to be deployed along international border : Shah[/caption]