Kangana gets to sit next to NSA Ajit Doval on flight, NSA flashes a rare smile while posing with her
NEW DELHI: For the Dussehra celebrations including Ram Leela, Kangana Ranaut took a plane to Delhi. On Tuesday night, she will be the first female to light the Ravana effigy at the Red Fort grounds. And while travelling, the actor happened to run across Ajit Doval, the Indian National Security Advisor. She shared a few amusing selfies with Ajit Doval, dubbed the James Bond of India, on X, the previous Twitter platform."What a generous stroke of luck, aaj subah flight mein (on my morning flight) I got to sit next to non other than the greatest of all time Shri Ajit Doval ji, while promoting Tejas (a film dedicated to our soldiers) I got to meet sir who is every soldier's inspiration," Kangana wrote on X, sharing the pictures with Ajit Doval. Jai Hind, I think this is a very auspicious sign.Her admirers cherished the photos. On X, a fan posted, "I always believe. Great luck. He cannot be seen." "Promotion with the real GOAT," another person remarked. Another described it as a "celebrity fan moment." A fan wrote, "Madam, you are very lucky." "You are Lucky to meet The Legendary #AjitDoval," another X user said. He is a deeply spiritual and modest man." Another reason why some people thought the photos were unique is that Ajit gave the photographer an unusual smile. One commenter wrote, "Never thought I would see Ajit Doval smile!" Ajit Doval was also praised by many as "The real James Bond".Currently, Kangana is promoting Tejas, her aerial action movie. The film centres on the incredible journey of Air Force pilot Tejas Gill, who hopes to uplift and instill a strong feeling of national pride in every Indian by demonstrating how Indian Air Force pilots brave many obstacles in their never-ending quest to defend our country. The film, which has Sarvesh Mewara as writer and director and Ronnie Screwvala as producer, is slated to open in theatres this coming Friday. [caption id="attachment_4405" align="alignnone" width="300"] Kangana gets to sit next to NSA Ajit Doval on flight, NSA…