‘If Lord Krishna blesses, I will contest Lok Sabha elections’: Kangana Ranaut
DEVBHUMI DWARKA: Bollywood star Kangana Ranaut made a suggestion on Friday that she would run in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections provided Lord Krishna blesses her. She had come to the well-known Dwarkadhish temple of Lord Krishna to offer prayers this morning. Ranaut responded to reporters who questioned if she would run in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections with, "Shri Krishna ki kripa rahi to ladenge (If Lord Krishna blesses, I will fight)." "After 600 years of struggle," she said, the consecration of Lord Ram's idol in Ayodhya was made possible by the Union government led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)."After 600 years of struggle, we Indians are able to see this day thanks to the efforts of the BJP government. We shall celebrate greatly when we erect the temple. The actor, who recently starred in the film "Tejas" as an Indian Air Force pilot, declared that the flag of Sanatan Dharma ought to be flown everywhere. Ranaut also implored the government to provide a facility that would enable pilgrims to see the underwater remnants of the lost city of Dwarka. "Dwarka is a divine city, as I constantly repeat. Here, everything is incredible. There is Dwarkadhish in every particle. The moment I see Him, I am blessed. I make it a point to visit this place as often as I can to receive the Lord's darshan. However, I come anytime I get a minute off from work," she said to reporters. One may also observe Dwarka, which is submerged under water, from above. I want the government to build a place where people can see the remnants underwater. Krishna City is like heaven to me," the woman remarked. Ranaut also discussed her next projects, which include "Tanu Weds Manu Part 3" and "Emergency," which she is both producing and directing. [caption id="attachment_4924" align="alignnone" width="300"] 'If Lord Krishna blesses, I will contest Lok Sabha elections': Kangana Ranaut[/caption]…