Battalion Campus JKAP-8th Battalion Miran Sahib Jammu, a plantation drive was carried out under the overall supervision of Sh. Suram Singh-JKPS (SSP)

Battalion Campus JKAP-8th Battalion Miran Sahib Jammu, a plantation drive was carried out under the overall supervision of Sh. Suram Singh-JKPS (SSP)

03.09.2024 : In order to keep environment neat and clean in and around  the Battalion Campus JKAP-8th Battalion Miran Sahib Jammu, on 03.09.2024, a plantation drive was carried out under the overall supervision of Sh. Suram Singh-JKPS (SSP) Commandant JKAP-8th Battalion Miran Sahib Jammu.

During the course of plantation drive at least 400 plants of different kinds were planted by the officers and other Jawans of the Battalion. While speaking on this occasion COJKAP-8th Bn emphasized about the need of prevention of  Environment and Ecosystem. He also laid emphasis on conservation of natural resources in order to ensure transformation of legacy to future generations. During   the course stress was given to keep environment neat and clean to prevent the society from different kinds of illness. He said on the occasion  that to be without trees would in the most literal way to be without our roots because trees give peace to the soul of human beings. The unit has taken several initiatives towards keeping the campus green and clean and is highly committed towards protecting the natural environment.

At the end all participants were directed to take such initiatives at their home level too and plant different kind of trees so that we can save our environment and side by side we can save our future. Among others Sh. Bhupinder Singh –Dy.SP (Adjutant), Sh. Manzoor Hussain-Dy.SP, Sh. Pankaj Kumar-Dy.SP & Sh. Pardeep Kumar –Dy.SP were also present at the occasion.

On 03.09.2024 JKAP-8th Bn. Miran Sahib accorded  a warm send off to its two GOs who were transferred out to other places. The officer transferred from the JKAP-8th Bn includes Sh. Pankaj Kumar -Dy.SP & Sh. Pardeep Sharma -Dy.SP.

On the occasion Sh. Suram Singh-JKPS(SSP) Commandant JKAP-8th Battalion appreciated the work and dedication of the officers. He extended Good wishes and best of  luck to them for their new assignments. He also appreciated their work and dedication towards the assignments entrusted to them from time to time. He also appreciated their support, cooperation and team work which they exhibited in the said Bn. 

At the end he also presented gifts to the officers as a token of love and respect for their exceptional services during their posting in JKAP-8th Battalion Miran Sahib Jammu. Among other officers Sh. Manzoor Hussain –Dy.SP and Sh. Bhupinder Singh-Dy.SP were also present at the occasion.


Battalion Campus JKAP-8th Battalion Miran Sahib Jammu, a plantation drive was carried out under the overall supervision of Sh. Suram Singh-JKPS (SSP)
Battalion Campus JKAP-8th Battalion Miran Sahib Jammu, a plantation drive was carried out under the overall supervision of Sh. Suram Singh-JKPS (SSP)


Jammu and Kashmir National