In a heartwarming display of compassion and prompt action, the Indian Army came to the rescue of a five-year-old girl who suffered injuries while playing in the remote village of Tanji, Kishtwar District, Jammu. The village, located an hour’s trek from the nearest road head, posed significant challenges, but the Army’s swift response ensured the girl received timely medical attention.
The girl’s injuries were treated with immediate first aid by the Army Doctor, whose expertise during the critical “golden hour” proved instrumental in stopping the bleeding and preventing further aggravation of the injury. The timely intervention not only alleviated the girl’s suffering but also brought immense relief to her family and the villagers.
The villagers, deeply grateful for the Army’s selfless act, expressed their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the prompt response. This incident is a shining testament to the Indian Army’s commitment to serving the nation and its people, particularly in remote and inaccessible areas.
The Army Always with Awam initiative reaffirms the Army’s dedication to being a force for good, always ready to lend a helping hand in times of need.