Administration Refutes Allegations Of Stone Pelting On Yatries

Administration Refutes Allegations Of Stone Pelting On Yatries

SRINAGAR, Jul 19: The administration refuted the misleading claims and allegations made in a video circulated on social media regarding stone pelting on yatries.The management claimed that a little disagreement among the poniwallas themselves was to blame for the incident.
For the comfort of the Shri Amarnathji Yatra pilgrims, the administration has made all necessary provisions for the smooth operation of the yatries.
Since the yatra’s inception, the local population has taken the lead in making it successful by providing their steadfast services. This yatra serves as a shining example of human solidarity, communal peace, and brotherhood.This yatra represents spirituality and has significantly aided J&K’s economic development.
The film was produced with the evil intention of disturbing a peaceful yatra, splitting villages, and inciting unrest.
The seamless yatra and good services have been commended by every pilgrim who has visited the Holy Cave of Shri Amarnathji.It is important to note that the administration is dedicated to making sure that yatries and all parties involved in yatras are safe and secure. The administration has taken serious note of the occurrence and instructed police to punish those responsible severely and file a police report against rumour mongers. Additionally, social media users are urged to stop disseminating false information.

Administration Refutes Allegations Of Stone Pelting On Yatries
Administration Refutes Allegations Of Stone Pelting On Yatries
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