ADGP chairs security review meetings in 4 Kashmir districts

ADGP chairs security review meetings in 4 Kashmir districts

SRINAGAR : According to a formal statement, Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Vijay Kumar visited the districts of Pulwama, Kulgam, Shopian, and Budgam alongside General Officer Commanding Victor Force and presided over security review sessions with police and army commanders.

According to the announcement, ADGP Kashmir gave the officers instructions to use special teams for precision-based operations and to implement creative, hand-selected techniques to achieve the neutralisation of terrorists.

The meeting was held in the conference room of District Police Lines Pulwama, and SSP Pulwama Mohammed Yousif, Army Sector Commander-12 Sector RR, Sector Commander-5 Sector RR, Commanding Officer-44 RR, Commanding Officer-55 RR, Commanding Officer-50RR, and Commanding Officer-53RR were all in attendance, according to the official press release from J&K Police on Wednesday.

In order to further improve the security situation in the area, the Senior Superintendent of Police of these respective districts provided the chair with an overview of the current security situation in the districts and the steps being taken to be prepared for anti-terrorism and to maintain law and order.

The J&K Police and security personnel made a determined effort to maintain peace and order in these areas, according to ADGP Vijay Kumar. These gatherings served as a forum for an intelligent analysis of the current security situation, counterinsurgency operations, and the policies in place to maintain the climate of calm and peace.

The exact numbers of FTs, their mobility patterns, the collecting of human intelligence (HUMINT), and the beginning of cooperative operations were all given special attention. All Sector commanders and COs were ordered by GOC Victor force to control the area at night and execute operations alongside the JK Police.

He emphasised increased cooperation amongst field officers. All field officers thereafter exchanged information regarding the quantity and classification of hybrid terrorists. According to the statement, these sessions highlighted the value of maintaining strong police-public connections and implementing a service-oriented approach to policing.

A general survey of the districts was taken, and officials were given clear instructions on how to attain specific goals. SSP Pulwama was explicitly told to find and punish the Over Ground Workers (OGWs) responsible for the recent induction of two new residents into the district’s terror ranks.

ADGP Vijay Kumar gave them instructions to put additional security measures into place during these meetings in order to stop terrorist attacks. In addition, these discussions covered the method for locating hybrid terrorists and taking proper action.

According to the statement, the ADGP also placed a strong emphasis on improving police-public relations and service-oriented policing, both of which will contribute in winning the public’s confidence and trust.

Additional attendees included Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Litter, Assistant Superintendent of Police Pulwama Tanveer Ahmad-JKPS, Superintendant of Police Headquarters Pulwama Showkat Rafiq Wani, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) PC Kakapora, and Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) PC Pulwama.

Army Commanding Officers (9RR, 34RR), 2 Sector Commanders, 1 Sector Commander, SSP Kulgam, and other officers were present at the conference in Kulgam.

According to the press release, Commander 12 Sector, Commander 2 Sector RR, all Army Companies, SSP Shopian, and other officers attended the meeting in Shopian.

5 sector commanders, DIG CKR, COs of the Army (53, 62, 50, 02), SSP Budgam, and other officers also attended the security review meeting in Budgam, it was said.

ADGP chairs security review meetings in 4 Kashmir districts
ADGP chairs security review meetings in 4 Kashmir districts



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