Jammu, Jan 23: Jammu and Kashmir Police on Thursday initiated legal action following a fake account of Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Jammu, Anand Jain appeared on the Facebook social media platform.The police spokesman said, “it has come to our attention that a fake Facebook account has been created using the name of Anand Jain with a profile picture of the ADGP and a misleading introduction claiming to be associated with “Department Jammu & Kashmir ADGP, Director, Fire & Emergency Services, J&K.” This fraudulent account is being used to mislead the public and exploit their trust.”
“We strongly condemn such unethical and fraudulent activities. The public is urged to remain vigilant and avoid responding to messages, friend requests, or any solicitations from such fake profiles,” said the spokesperson.He said, “instances of similar scams in the past have led to financial losses and emotional distress for victims.”
The Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Jammu Zone, emphasizes that this fraudulent act is a serious violation and an attempt to mislead the public, the spokesman said.
He stated, “the Jammu and Kashmir Police takes such cyber offenses very seriously. Immediate legal action has been initiated against the individuals involved in this unlawful activity.”
A thorough investigation is currently underway, and strict action will be taken as per the law to ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable, said the spokesperson.
The public is advised to be cautious and avoid engaging with such fake accounts, report any suspicious online activity to the authorities promptly, rely only on verified and legitimate social media accounts of the Jammu and Kashmir Police for official communication or updates.
“For reference, the official Facebook profile of the ADGP is easily identifiable. Stay alert, stay cautious, and report any suspicious activity,” said the Police spokesman.