Clear Fight Btwn Abdullah-Gandhi Families And BJP: Amit Shah

Clear Fight Btwn Abdullah-Gandhi Families And BJP: Amit Shah

KISHTWAR, Sept 16: According to Union Home Minister Amit Shahthere is an obvious conflict between the BJP and the Congress-National Conference combination; the former is determined to prevent the reinstatement of Article 370, while the latter wants to see it brought back.He said that supporting BJP candidate Shugan Parihar would honour martyrs like her father in addition to promoting growth and advancement. “Jammu and Kashmir’s election is obviously between two forces. The BJP is on the opposing side from the National Conference and the Congress. It is a contest between the BJP and the Gandhi-Abdullah families. “They both have distinct agendas,” Shah declared at an open rally.He asserted that the BJP upholds Prem Nath Dogra’s philosophy of “One Constitution, One Flag, and One Prime Minister,” saying that Jammu Kashmir is an integral part of India and cannot be divided.

Clear Fight Btwn Abdullah-Gandhi Families And BJP: Amit Shah
Clear Fight Btwn Abdullah-Gandhi Families And BJP: Amit Shah
Jammu and Kashmir National Political