108-foot flagpole with tricolour mounted near LOC in URI

108-foot flagpole with tricolour mounted near LOC in URI

URI: A 108-foot flagpole bearing the Indian tricolour has been mounted at Kaman Post near the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir to symbolise national pride and unity. A plaque was unveiled on Thursday to mark its inauguration. The event was attended by Major General Ashim Kohli (retired) of the Flag Foundation of India, Brigadier K S Dahiya, Commander, Kalapahar Brigade, and other eminent dignitaries, the officials said. A large number of people, including school children, locals and tourists, were present at the inauguration event, they added. The dedication of the 108-foot flagpole at Kaman Post commenced with a stirring address to the crowd. A speaker eloquently recounted the illustrious history of India’s national flag, tracing its transformation throughout the years. The guest of honour then officially inaugurated the flagpole, a senior official said.

108-foot flagpole with tricolour mounted near LOC in URI
108-foot flagpole with tricolour mounted near LOC in URI
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