Commercial LPG Price Cut By Rs 99.75, No Change For Domestic Cylinders

Commercial LPG Price Cut By Rs 99.75, No Change For Domestic Cylinders

New Delhi, Aug 1: According to sources, public sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have revised their commercial LPG prices and reduced the cost of 19 KG commercial LPG gas cylinders by Rs 99.75.
The cost of home LPG cylinders, though, won’t alter.
The retail price for a 19kg commercial LPG cylinder in Delhi under the new tariffs will be Rs 1,680 as of Tuesday.Sources assert, however, that the oil marketing companies maintained the same prices for household cooking gas.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder prices are revised on the first of every month for both household and commercial use, with the new rates taking effect on August 1.
The last time domestic cooking gas prices were changed was on March 1 of this year.Commercial LPG gas cylinder costs were raised earlier in July by Rs 7 per cylinder. However, the cost of home LPG cylinders has not changed.
Commercial LPG cylinder prices had dropped twice in a row before to this increase, in May and June of this year.
While OMCs cut the cost of a commercial LPG cylinder by Rs 172 in May, they only cut it by Rs 83 in June. Commercial LPG cylinder costs were reduced on June 1 by Rs 83.50 to Rs 1,773 per unit of 19 kg, effective immediately.However, domestic cylinder prices were not altered.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) prices are often revised by oil marketing corporations on the first of every month. Depending on municipal taxes, domestic cooking gas costs vary from state to state.
Oil marketing and petroleum businesses reduced the cost of commercial LPG cylinders by Rs 171.50 in May.
Their costs were down by Rs 91.50 per unit in April as well.Domestic LPG cylinder prices increased by Rs. 50 per unit and commercial LPG cylinder prices increased by Rs. 350.50 per unit on March 1 of this year.
On September 1 of previous year, commercial cylinder costs were last decreased by Rs 91.50. Commercial LPG cylinder costs were also decreased by Rs 36 on August 1, 2022.

Commercial LPG Price Cut By Rs 99.75, No Change For Domestic Cylinders
Commercial LPG Price Cut By Rs 99.75, No Change For Domestic Cylinders


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