40% Sitting MPs Have Criminal Cases, 25% Serious Criminal Cases: ADR

40% Sitting MPs Have Criminal Cases, 25% Serious Criminal Cases: ADR

NEW DELHI, Sept 12: According to the poll rights organisation ADR, almost 40% of current MPs had criminal cases filed against them, 25% of which have been deemed significant criminal cases involving charges of murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, and crimes against women.
53 (7%) of the MPs from the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha are billionaires, and the average asset value of each is 38.33 crores, according to the ADR.
Out of the 776 seats in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, the self-sworn affidavits of 763 serving MPs have been examined by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and National Election Watch (NEW).This information was taken from affidavits that MPs submitted before running in their most recent elections and any subsequent by-elections. The Lok Sabha has four open seats, the Rajya Sabha has one open seat, and Jammu and Kashmir has four unfilled Rajya Sabha seats.
Due to a lack of access to these papers, the affidavits of three Rajya Sabha MPs and one Lok Sabha MP could not be examined.
According to the analysis, out of the 763 currently serving members of parliament, 306 (or 40%) have criminal charges pending against them, and 194 (or 25%) have significant criminal cases, such as those involving murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, crimes against women, etc.Members of both Houses have declared criminal cases against themselves in their self-sworn affidavits, according to the ADR, with 23 (79%) out of 29 MPs from Kerala, 41 (73%) out of 56 MPs from Bihar, 37 (57%) out of 65 MPs from Maharashtra, 13 (54%) out of 24 MPs from Telangana, and 5 (50%) out of 10 MPs from Delhi doing so.
In their self-sworn affidavits, roughly 28 (50%) out of 56 MPs from Bihar, nine (38%) out of 24 MPs from Telangana, ten (34%) out of 29 MPs from Kerala, 22 (34%) out of 65 MPs from Maharashtra, and 37 (34%) out of 108 MPs from Uttar Pradesh have declared significant criminal cases.

About 139(36 per cent) out of 385 MPs from BJP, 43 (53%) out of 81 MPs from Congress, 14 (39%) out of 36 MPs from TMC, 5 (83%) out of 6 MPs from RJD, 6 (75%) out of 8 MPs from CPI(M), 3 (27%) out of 11 MPs from AAP, 13 (42%) out of 31 MPs from YSRCP and 3 (38%) out of 8 MPs from NCP have declared criminal cases against themselves in their affidavits.

About 98 (25%) out of 385 MPs from BJP, 26 (32%) out of 81 MPs from Congress, 7 (19%) out of 36 MPs from TMC, 3 (50%) out of 6 MPs from RJD, 2 (25%) out of 8 MPs from CPI(M), 1 (9%) out of 11 MPs from AAP, 11 (35%) out of 31 MPs from YSRCP and 2 (25%) out of 8 MPs from NCP have declared serious criminal cases in their affidavits.
In accordance with Indian Penal Code Section 302, 11 sitting MPs have reported cases of murder, 32 have reported cases of attempted murder, and 21 have reported cases of crimes against women.Telangana (24 MPs) has the greatest average assets per MP with an average of 262.26 crores, followed by Andhra Pradesh (36 MPs) and Punjab (20 MPs) with average assets of 88.94 crores and 150.76 crores, respectively.
Lakshadweep (1 MP) has the State with the lowest average MP assets, with a value of $9.38 lakh, followed by Tripura (3 MPs), with a value of $1.09 crore, and Manipur (3 MPs), with a value of $1.12 crore.Among the major parties, the average asset per MP for the 385 BJP members examined was 18.31 crore, 81 Congress members’ average assets were 39.12 crore, 36 TMC members’ average assets were 8.72 crore, 31 YSRCP members’ average assets were 153.76 crore, 16 TRS members’ average assets were 383.51 crore, 8 NCP members’ average assets were 30.11 crore, and 11 AAP members’ average assets were 119.84 crore.Seven (29%) of the 24 Telangana MPs, nine (25%) of the 36 Andhra Pradesh MPs, two (20%) of the 10 MPs from Delhi, four (20%) of the 20 MPs from Punjab, one (13%%) of the 8 MPs from Uttarakhand, six (9%) of the 65 MPs from Maharashtra, and three (8%) of the 39 MPs from Karnataka are among the 53 billionaire MPs who have disclosed assets.14 (4%) of the 385 BJP MPs, 6 (7%) of the 81 MPs from the Congress, 7 (44%) of the 16 MPs from the TRS, 7 (23%) of the 31 MPs from the YSRCP, 3 (27%) of the 11 MPs from the AAP, 2 (100%) of the 2 MPs from the SAD, and 1 (3%) of the 36 MPs from the AITC have disclosed assets worth more than 100 crore.
763 currently serving MPs have assets totaling $29,251 crore.385 BJP MPs have total assets of $7,051 crore, 16 TRS MPs have total assets worth $6,136 crore, 31 YSRCP MPs have total assets worth $4,766 crore, 81 Congress MPs have total assets worth $3,169 crore, and 11 AAP MPs have total assets worth $1,318 crore. (Agencies)

40% Sitting MPs Have Criminal Cases, 25% Serious Criminal Cases: ADR
40% Sitting MPs Have Criminal Cases, 25% Serious Criminal Cases: ADR




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